As I share what natural remedies and foods worked for me in healing my tumor and avoiding cancer for the last decade, keep in mind that there are literally hundreds of different ingredients that would be appropriate for healing cancer, if not thousands. You have tons of options when it comes to healing food—and healthy, delicious food. My intention in my book is to provide you with sufficient knowledge to pick which ingredients will work best for you and your preferences. For example, tomatoes might be better than mushrooms, or cacao would accelerate your healing. Pretend you are opening a cancer-healing catalog as you’re picking the recipes you want to eat. With the information in Cancer Free with Food, you will easily be able to discern what’s best to eat. The guidelines of this approach are super simple, and the recipes are easy to prepare. I also encourage you to go within and trust your intuition, just as I did when I was healing my lump. And pray for guidance—you can probably never pray enough! Your soul will tell you if a particular healing tool or food is right for you. You might also get goosebumps while reading a description of a certain food or when you’re standing in the produce aisle holding it. Trust a sense that this is the right food for you. Our bodies are intelligent in ways our conscious minds cannot appreciate. We evolved in nature and nature evolved to provide for us. We just have to open up to its wisdom. Trusting her intuition is what my mum did when I presented her with all the options available to her. She always picked the ingredients that resonated with her, and it worked. She made it through breast cancer treatment a few years ago and is now living cancer free. My mum had surgery and then opted out of chemotherapy and radiation. She had confidence that she would beat cancer if she quit smoking and changed her diet. And she did. “No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, you can always turn back.” —Proverb What to Expect When You Follow Cancer-Free with Food
Most people who improve their nutritional habits by flooding their bodies with nutrients begin to feel better almost immediately. You can expect the same. These nutrients will come mainly from plant foods like vegetables, fruits, leaves, roots, nuts, and seeds, with the addition of lean protein sourced exclusively from beans, if they’re vegetarian; or from beans, eggs, fish, poultry, and modest amounts of red meat, if they’re meat eaters. Similarly, when people stop eating the wrong foods—those that are toxic to their bodies, like sugar (you’ll notice I repeat this a lot)—most feel better almost immediately. If they reduce their levels of stress, spend time with friends and family, increase the hours they sleep, avoid exposure to pollution, and nourish themselves emotionally and spiritually, healing is promoted. That said, healing is always a process. It can take time for the body to overcome cancer—weeks, months, possibly years. But please feel encouraged. Healing is possible! When coaching people with cancer on their health and nutrition, what I’ve typically seen in the first couple of days is a rush of excitement that energizes them. They have a newfound peace of mind because they’ve taken charge of their destiny and know they’re doing the right things. A few days into a nutritional correction with increased vegetables and reduced chemicals some people begin to experience what are popularly known as detox symptoms. This is the result of the liver and other organs of elimination becoming a bit overloaded. But this passes quickly. If you were having a short-term overload, around day three of your transition, you might feel sluggish or fatigued, and perhaps a little achy, like you had a mild flu. The signal that this is related to an overload of the liver is that your mind feels a bit foggy or clouded, as if you are intoxicated or haven’t slept well for a couple of nights. This kind of fogginess dissipates as soon as the body catches up with its workload. By the end of a week, it should pass. Sleep when you’re tired. When I was healing my tumor, I routinely slept between twelve and sixteen hours a night. It’s a healthy thing to do. Your body is using this energy for the purpose of healing your organs and tissues on a deep cellular level. As you become more rested, the toxicity subsides, and your health improves, you’ll notice your energy and stamina rise. Most people are overworked and overtired these days. And this is a factor that leads to illness. Also, drink copious amounts of water, but at staggered intervals—like a cup an hour—being sure it is filtered water so as to reduce your exposure to chlorine and other potential contaminants from tap water. It’s easy to become dehydrated. Good hydration will contribute to the body’s natural process of eliminating toxins. You need not—and should not—drink a liter or more at once. The idea is to be well hydrated on a continuous basis, not to drown yourself. When you eat more veggies and fruits and nuts and seeds, you’ll be getting quite a bit of fiber along with the phytonutrients. If you’re unused to fiber, be on notice that this will bulk up your stools. It’s not a bad idea to take a digestive enzyme with your meals (see Resources in my book) to assist your body with its adaptation to this new way of eating. In time, it will seem normal. You can expect your mind to clear and your thoughts and mood to become more positive moving forward. I encourage you to embrace the initial discomforts and celebrate your progress. If you have cancer, my suggestion for your path through the book is to read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, “The Top 15 Cancer-Healing Foods, in Cancer-Free with Food” so you can see which foods literally kill cancer cells and get some in your pantry right away. Unless your health-care provider has specifically advised you not to eat these foods because they are contraindicated for your treatment, you will want to start feeding them to your body immediately. Next, read Chapter 3, “The Most Toxic Foods on the Planet,” so you know what to cut out of your life. These foods don’t deserve a place on your table! You might follow that by reading Chapter 6, “Nutrition-Focused and Alternative Cancer Treatments,” so you can see all the options you have. After reading that, let everything settle in for a few days before making any new decisions. Regardless of what course of treatment you choose, you will be doing right by your body by eating the healthiest cancer-killing foods on the planet. Place an order online and order all the dry ingredients and supplements you want today, and then make a trip to your local farmers markets or health food supermarket and stock up on all the fresh items you need—especially broccoli sprouts and turmeric! Read Chapter 8 if you’re currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, and would like some nutritional suggestions to help with nausea, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, skin abrasions, and more. It also has advice on prepping for surgery and accelerating post-surgical healing. If you are a caretaker for someone who has cancer, I believe this book has everything you need to help them make excellent nutritional choices and manage their side effects. If you want to prevent cancer or avoid remission, this book has all the information you need to reduce your cancer risk for the rest of your life! Live by this model of eating from now on and you are unlikely ever to be touched by cancer. And spread the word to your family and friends so that everyone can decrease their risk of ever getting cancer.
“The literal meaning of healing is ‘becoming whole.’” —Andrew Weil, M.D In 2009, I had a major wakeup call. Although I was only 21, I ended up in the hospital with a golf ball-sized lump sticking out of the right side of my neck. Looking for appropriate guidance, I saw three doctors in all. After doing a biopsy of this solid mass, the first doctor told me I had a stage 1 cancer. The second said I had stage 0 cancer. Both doctors offered me conventional medical treatment, beginning with surgery. The third doctor told me the lump was precancerous and benign, and suggested it was the symptom of a cat allergy—even though I’ve never been allergic to cats before or since—and she offered me a prescription for pills to take for that supposed allergy. The whole diagnostic experience was confusing. From undergoing these visits, I became skeptical about the medical industry; it seemed as if the job of the doctors I was meeting was to sell me on surgery, chemotherapy, vaccinations, and pharmaceutical drugs. But I was not disheartened, as something in my background gave me confidence that I could heal the tumor on my own. I had grown up in Alice Springs, Australia, an area that’s home to a large community of Aboriginals who eat in a manner that’s unlike the modern American diet: with more plants, less meat, and very little processed food. Largely because of what they eat, these indigenous people enjoy excellent health. They taught me that food is medicine. Knowing it was possible for food to be used as medicine, even as the medical doctors were giving me conflicting opinions, my mind was on the lookout for an alternative approach. Following the third doctor visit, I made a bold decision about my course of action. None of the doctors’ proposed treatments for the lump in my neck sounded appealing. In fact, to me they sounded like torture. I had already put my body through five years of agony by engaging in a self-destructive cycle of binge eating toxic junk food followed by starvation. I had no doubt that my sickness was related to my disordered eating, which had spiraled out of control when I left home. So, I decided to opt out of conventional treatments—at least for several months. Instead I would heal myself using all-natural methods because that was what intuitively felt right for me to do. I met with a naturopath and she also had confidence that I could heal the lump by detoxifying my body. And that is just what I did. I learned how to turn my kitchen into a pharmacy. Let me be clear, in my book, I am not suggesting that you refuse conventional treatments for cancer if they are warranted, only that you eat healthily and are proactive in deciding what is right for your body and condition. As a health and nutrition coach, my aim is to help people improve their eating habits. On many occasions, the people I’ve counseled about food have undergone surgery for cancer or done rounds of chemotherapy or radiation. I’ve also worked with people like me, who took an exclusively natural approach to healing cancer. What you decide to do is really up to you and should be based on your physical condition, your personal beliefs, the advice you get, and your intuition about what is the right protocol for you. No matter what you decide to do, you should think of food as your original medicine. If you choose to undergo one or more conventional treatments for cancer, the recipes in Cancer-Free with Food can be a great adjunct to those treatments. It will complement them. Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. Science is constantly revealing incredible insights on this. In Cancer-Free with Food, I am not promising you a “miracle cure” for a serious health issue. My goal is to offer you comfort, inspiration, and hope that you can reverse the progression of cancer in your body or prevent cancer from taking root in the first place. The delicious recipes in the book are so nutrient rich and wholesome that you’ll boost your immunity and resilience, as well as reduce your exposure to toxins, steering your body toward optimal health. Frequently, I am asked exactly how I healed my body. People want to know everything that was involved in my recovery. In a nutshell, I did: · No chemo. · No radiation. · No surgery. · No pharmaceutical medication. This strategy was my choice because I wanted to address the deeper causes of my tumor, not just react to the surface-level symptoms. I saw the illness as an opportunity to heal myself and become healthy on every level—mind, body, and spirit—in a way I had forgotten or lost. Instead of conventional treatment, I: · Changed my diet and consumed a lot of nutrients. · Juiced up to six times a day. · Bathed in bentonite clay and used it as a poultice to draw out toxins—also drank it. · Had sessions of alternative therapies, like reflexology and massage. · Received a colonic or a coffee enema every day for two months. · Rested, relaxed, and did everything I could to reduce stress. The lump started to get smaller and smaller, and within three months of commencing this regimen, it had completely disappeared from my neck. It entirely dissolved. I have been cancer free for ten years, since then. One of the things I did to create accountability for my new lifestyle was to start a daily blog. At the end of a year, I collected recipes from the blog and published them in a book, The Earth Diet. This opened doors for me with thought leaders—doctors, nutritionists, healers, natural food purveyors, restauranteurs, and authors—who welcomed me as a fellow traveler and were generous in sharing their expertise. I’ve interviewed these cutting-edge thinkers. I’ve done research. I wrote a second recipe book, 10-Minute Recipes. I’ve lectured and done cooking demonstrations at conferences around the world. And I’ve coached many, many people on their eating plans. The best of what I learned and know as it pertains to cellular health, disease prevention, healing, and supporting the body to cope with the side effects of cancer treatment is included in this book. How The Book Is Organized The book is structured in a super simple way so that you could read the sections of it relevant to your situation and learn what food you need to eat and what to avoid in a day if you wanted—just in case you got diagnosed with cancer today. My heart goes out to you, if that’s the case. But you should know, I have confidence in you and your ability to heal. You are powerful! In Part One, “Food as Medicine,” I will teach you the exact things to eat to strengthen your immune system, foods like vibrantly colored plants with antioxidant properties and cold-water fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Also, I’ll explain what not to eat because it could weaken your immune system. In Chapter 1, “Ten Key Principles for Overcoming Cancer,” I sum up the ten principles that every single expert, doctor, naturopath, and nutritionist are saying will increase our chances of beating cancer. One extremely important way to prevent and/or treat cancer is nutritionally, through eating a nutrient-dense diet. Another is avoiding things that are known to increase our cancer risk, like sugar, alcohol, and cigarettes. Unfortunately, until food manufacturers are forced to clean up the ingredients they use in their products, it’s up to us to avoid the worst kinds and to choose cancer-fighting foods. It’s up to us to reduce our exposure to chemicals. To relieve some of the confusion you may feel about what to eat, in Chapter 2, “Top 15 Cancer-Healing Foods,” I’ll give you a breakdown of the science behind my recommendations for the most healing ingredients—everything from broccoli sprouts and turmeric, to blueberries, quinoa, cacao, and flaxseed. I had no idea before starting my research how potent broccoli sprouts are! And I have long eaten cacao pretty much every day, but I didn’t know there had been countless studies on their positive health effects and for exactly what until recently. The science is overwhelming! You’ll learn how much and how often to eat each ingredient and the types of cancer it is especially useful for. One of the things you’ll hear me repeat time and again is that you want to make your body inhospitable to cancer. These foods will help with that. In Chapter 3, “Anticancer Supplements,” I sum up the top supplements you could get and always keep on hand to prevent cancer or even kill cancer cells. Some are concentrated forms of the foods you were introduced to in Chapter 1. For instance, you could eat turmeric in a curry recipe you prepare, or you could take a turmeric or curcumin capsule. You have options. In Chapter 4, “The Most Toxic Foods on the Planet,” You’ll learn which crazily toxic foods and substances to cut out of your life beginning today—and why they can drain your energy and affect your nervous system, leaving you feeling anxious. In Chapter 5, “Foods Upgrades and Cancer Hacks,” I’ll teach you the mindset I adopted that changed everything for me. You will learn how to fulfill every single craving you have. In Chapter 6, “Nutrition for Cancer—Advice from Some Experts,” we’ll take a look at what doctors on the forefront of nutritional medicine are saying causes cancer and heals it. In Chapter 7, “Nutrition-Focused and Alternative Cancer Therapies,” I put together an A-Z list of all the treatments available to you, so that you never feel stuck! If you have cancer, these are options that may complement the conventional medical protocol of surgery followed by chemo and/or radiation, or which you might consider as an alternative. This chapter also explains alternative treatments to prevent cancer—everything from detoxification strategies like chelation, to stress reduction and vitamin IV drips. In Chapter 8, “Nutritional Support for Side Effects of Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Surgery,” I provide helpful tips and tools for overcoming negative side effects of conventional medical treatments, such as nausea, fatigue, insomnia, among other things. I interviewed many cancer survivors who told me these are things they wish they’d known during treatment. Then, in Chapter 9, “Healing Guide for Specific Cancers,” I’ll give you quick tips on what foods are best to eat when you have one of the ten most prevalent cancers (for instance, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer). Beyond the nutritional science, we’ll look at a few complementary treatments you might want to consider. Chapter 10, “Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Nourishment,” is dedicated to healing tips and tools to detoxify the mind, soothe the emotions, and deepen your connection to God. Healing must be done physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Reducing stress is imperative. And this is all easier than you think, so don’t be overwhelmed, you are in the right place right now to receive the support you need! If you ever feel overwhelmed as you read this book, repeat the following affirmation to help bring you back to peace immediately: “I am peaceful. I feel peaceful. All is well in my world. All is well with my soul.” In Part Two, “Cancer Free with Food Recipes,” you’ll find over 200 recipes for immune-boosting juices, brain-protecting smoothies, life-extending lunches and dinners, comforting soups and broths, alkalizing vegetable dishes, nutrient-rich desserts and sweet snacks (my favorite), strength-building meals, delicious sides, sauces, and condiments, and much more. At the end of the book, to make things super simple for you if a health-care practitioner advises you, for example, to emphasize protein or fat in your diet, or you decide on your own that you want to bump up your consumption of fiber or ingredients that reduce inflammation, you’ll find a series of Quick Guides that will help you chart your way to the appropriate recipes for your objectives. There is even a list of the recipes highest in vitamin C—because if you have cancer, the immune system is compromised and needs every possible boost it can get. The “Quick Guide for Preparing Your Weekly Menu” will help you devise an ideal shopping list. Get the book here or check out the Cancer-Free with Food Video Course which also includes a copy of the book with purchase. Cancer Free with Food is an outstanding book that provides delicious recipes, health tips, advice from doctors and other experts, and an empowering perspective that you can easily adopt to help you prevent and heal from cancer and manage the unpleasant side effects of treatment. Liana Werner-Gray writes about the latest scientific discoveries on the role of specific ingredients in making the body an inhospitable environment for cancer and highlights the shift the medical community is making toward a more functional, systems-based, and environmental approach to treatment. This is an extraordinarily relevant book given the poor quality of what most people eat. By teaching us that food can be used as medicine, Liana is pointing us in the right direction. It’s the new medicine for the 21st century. In my oncology rotation in medical school, I asked my professor what percentage of cancer was related to diet. Expecting a gracious, but insignificant nod to the role of diet as a cause of cancer, I was surprised when he said that 70 percent of all cancers are related to diet. Given this, in her book Liana answers the incredibly important question: If I’ve got or want to avoid cancer, what should I eat? Ultimately, Cancer Free with Food is a recipe book that answers this question—one that is also filled with an abundance of evidence that diet, exercise, thoughts, feelings, and environmental toxins all can play a role in the initiation, growth, and progression of cancer. We are not at the mercy of our genetic predispositions. There is a lot we can do to stay healthy. If a nutrient-poor diet full of sugar and chemicals, lack of exercise, chronic stress, persistent exposure to pollutants, like heavy metals, can cause cancer, doesn’t it make sense that a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet, physical activity, changing thoughts and reactions to stress, and detoxification can prevent and help heal cancer? To me, it does. I love that this book is full of great-tasting recipes that are quick and easy to make while packed with high doses of antioxidants and protein, two of the foundational elements of any eating plan whose aim is preventing and treating cancer. Liana’s genius is finding satisfying ways to enhance immune function and facilitate the body’s elimination of cancer-causing compounds. For years, I’ve been preaching the dangers of the typical contemporary refined-carbohydrate diet, like out-of-control inflammation and hormonal imbalance to name just two that are leading reasons people get cancer. By following Liana’s advice and using her wholesome recipes, you can avoid these and other dangers. One of the key principles for overcoming cancer offered in Cancer Free with Food is never to consume white or refined sugar or artificial sweeteners again. Small amounts of real sugar, as found in ingredients like fruit, honey, and maple syrup, are fine to eat, but not the 152 pounds a year per person averaged in America. Liana admits that she formerly thought of sugar as a kind of recreational drug. But then she developed fulfilling recipes that fulfilled her sweet tooth and was able to stop making herself sick. Cancer loves sugar. You can learn from Liana’s example how to get off it and stay off it by responding to your cravings with genuine nourishment. And if sugar isn’t your “drug” of choice, she shows how to satisfy other types of cravings you may have that could potentially lead you into trouble health-wise. Liana is a real person who has traveled the path before you. You can trust her insights. Food is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to making ourselves prone to developing cancer. The 2008–2009 report from the President’s Cancer Panel found that as a society we have grossly underestimated the link between environmental toxins, plastics, chemicals, and cancer risk. And the authorities have yet to acknowledge how thoughts, emotions, and overall stress also impact and add to the risk—but acknowledgment is sure to come. Liana is ahead of her time in presenting facts that should motivate us all to take a deeper look at how we nourish ourselves mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as well as physically. Her approach to nourishment is comprehensive. A recap of The Truth About Cancer Event 2019 I recently got back from The Truth About Cancer event in Anaheim California in October. I was a speaker and stayed for the entire three days to soak it in and hear about the latest in regards to cancer. In case you missed The Truth About Cancer 2019, here are some of the important messages that were conveyed. First of all, wow, it was an amazing, epic, powerful, shocking, informative and life changing weekend! The Truth About Cancer event brought it ALL this year. The event was sold out at the Hilton Anaheim, but people were able to watch for free on live stream from their homes.
You can also purchase the videos from all the speakers if you want to own it forever. Checkout Being educated on this information is saving lives. Cancer does not deserve a place in our lives. There were also a lot of interesting presentations on vaccinations. I realized I’m not anti-vax, I’m anti-neurotoxic. What are the ingredients in vaccinations? When we look in depth at the ingredients used in vaccinations it explains a lot. What do vaccinations have to do with cancer? Well yes, it's believed that certain vaccinations are in fact causing cancer. It doesn’t take a medical degree to know that the toxic ingredients in some vaccines should not be placed in the human body. “It’s becoming a more dangerous disease precisely because of vaccinations. Vaccinations have destroyed natural immunity,” said Dr Andrew Wakefield. Elle Macpherson was there to support her partner too. “The French hate vaccines.” Said JFK Junior. So guess what, they have lower cases of all the symptoms and deaths caused by vaccinations in the countries who do get them. Dr Buttar had a striking point, “I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m anti-stupidity.” Josh Axe started the event with his keynote and presented an idea that I have seen work for anyone trying to get healthy since starting this work a decade ago, “All medicine and cancer treatments should be personalized. It really depends upon the person. The oldest forms of Chinese and ayruevrdic medicine is that every body is different. Organic meat might be good for some, but not for others. (However) We do know Ginger and milk thistle have never caused a single death.” Josh Axe Josh talked about Cassia, Mehr, cinnamon and olive oil as a healing anointing oil from the Bible. I love that Josh talked about Biblical healing foods! Also we discovered that Josh Axe rubs mhyr on his gums! Josh also believes that more than 50% of healing cancer is emotional. Good point. Alty aka Carol Alt, reminded us that it’s important to eat majority raw foods! “The closer it is to God, the less hands that touched it, the better. Imagine every mouthful you take could be medicine. Every meal is a way to reach out to God.” She gave a beautiful and powerful presentation. Sam Wolfe from American Idol performed at the gala dinner and was amazing! So did We Want More and they filled the room with oomf! I was reminded again the power of Laetrile, amadalyn which I write about in my book Cancer-Free with Food. This is from apricot seeds and something I want to research more and share with you guys. My mum ate apricot seeds while she was healing breast cancer. It’s so so so controversial, however there are some interesting and powerful testimonials out there on this, one worth researching more. I’ve been cancer free for 10 years, my mum for seven. Dr Tony who runs a cancer clinic, which I would recommend anyone diagnosed with cancer to look into said, “When you declare cancer free, Don’t go back to your lifestyle. You need to stay focused.” Dr. Tony Jimenez, MD & Marcy Jimenez run Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. Robert Scott Bell did an epic job at moderating the panel as always, and facilitating the entire weekend. Robert is like the chia seed gel (originally I said “glue” but RSB is rightfully repulsed by anything toxic) that gets everyone together! The Bell family have been in this since the beginning. “Hope precedes healing.” Dr Marty our beloved healthy vet voice! I love this, I was criticized when I first started this work as a health advocate for giving “false hope”, when actually hope is needed to assist in healing. Hope gives us energy and motivation. Without hope we are already half way done. Ladies listen to this, regarding breast cancer and mammograms. Dr Veronique is saying it’s better to use human touch than to get a mammogram! I wasn’t aware that mammograms have been proven to cause cancer ahh! Go to to learn how to detect using your own hands instead. Jeffrey Smith’s talk was shocking, he titled it “URGENT the Coming GMO’s Are Much Worse!” It’s good to be aware of what’s coming so that we can avoid it. We don’t want to live in fear, we want to live in empowerment. The positive news is that Jeffrey stated that 46% of Americans say no to GMO’s! I also was not aware that Monsanto has been on trial three times and lost all three times. This is a good sign that incredibly dangerous and bad behavior is not being let off. KC Craichy founder of Living Fuel made a good point, “You do not have a drug deficiency. You cannot fix a deficiency with a drug.” KC is all about fixing a deficiency with food. We know that food really is medicine! Dr. Eric Zielinski & Sabrina Zielinski presented a case study of one of their patients who is a breast cancer survivor and told she would never have kids, who just had a baby boy! The baby was brought onto the stage and everyone prayed over him. Paul Barratiero talked about hydrogen water and why that’s the best filtered water we have available to us on the planet! It’s my water filter of choice too, check it out at I loved how Dr Newsum explained detox, “If you lived in the same house and never cleaned it, imagine how dirty and toxic it would be! The ideal is to detox and then rebuilding.” David Avocado Wolfe opened the third day and his presentation was mind blowing. I’ve heard so many great things about Mr Avocado over the years, and he preceded all expectations! He lit everyone up when he was on stage. David’s focus was on activated charcoal, and how it helps so much with energy, detox and gut health. I recommend charcoal to a lot of patients at Complete Wellness, and asked if it interferes with medication. He said it can, so take it 4 hours before or after medication. Since seeing Avocado Wolfe’s presentation which was so enlivening with his concept of “everyday is the BEST DAY EVER, and every moment is the BEST MOMENT EVER” I’ve been able to bring that into my life and am having more fulfilling experiences, moments, and am more present with people than I’ve ever been before! I never would have thought that David Avocado Wolfe would make such a profound impact on the quality of my life - what a great man and I am extremely grateful that he blessed this event with his energy! Keep in mind you can own the entire event for yourself to watch at anytime. Just go to the to check it out. Two speakers from India presented, one of them being Dr. Zubin Marolia, MD Integrative Medicine Specialist from Mumbai, and get this exciting news guys, he specialized in Mistletoe therapy!!!! I wrote about this in my cancer book because from the research I did, I saw that mistletoe therapy is actually a common practice in Europe, particularly Germany, for treating cancer instead of chemotherapy. Mistletoe therapy is said to be having high success rate with low side effects. An attendee and health advocate, Ray Pitman, talked to 600 attendees and asked them, what would you do if you were diagnosed with cancer today, what would you do? And for the cancer survivors he asked what advice would you give anyone newly diagnosed? His summary was:
My talk this year was Cancer-Free with Food, and the latest research on which foods are killing cancer cells and which foods are causing cancer. I discussed broccoli sprouts being the #1 most effective food on earth in killing cancer cells, according to doctors, scientists and researchers. I also showed some studies on cacao and how it has anti-tumor activities, as well as tigernuts assisting the liver to detox which can be helpful during chemotherapy treatments. Other incredible speakers included Dr Edward Group, Jordan Rubin, Del Bigtree, Amazon John Easterling, Cherie Calbom the Juice Lady who pooped out a tumor from juicing, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD Scientist and Biochemist, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. Founder of, Dr. Billy DeMoss, DC Chiropractor, Certified in Spinal Trauma and BioPhysics, Erin Elizabeth, Dr. Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS, Author, Lecturer, and Nutritional Expert, Michael Tyrrell Author, Musician, Composer, Founder of “Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project”, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O. Physician, Author, Lecturer, Researcher & Consultant, Dr. Darrell Wolfe, Ac, PhD, DNM “Doc of Detox”, Author and Lecturer, Dr. Terry Harmon, D.C. Chiropractor, Member of the U.S. Wellness Advisory Council, Dr. Thomas Lokensgard, D.D.S., N.M.D. Holistic/Biological Dentist & Naturopath, Dr. Lee Cowden, MD USA Board-certified Cardiologist, Clinical Nutritionist, Recipient Of The The Prestigious ACIM Humanitarian Award, Dr. Irvin Sahni, M.D. Physician, Surgeon, Scientist & Lecturer, Dr. David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS Author and Lecturer, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D Scientist, Publisher of 50 Scientific Papers & Former Lab Director at National Cancer Institute, Lourdes Reynolds (Colon) & Chris LaVoy Actress/Producer & Writer/Producer. Authors of “Our Journey to Option C”, Dr. Chris Motley, Dr. E.S. Rajendran Scaria, MD Homeopathic MD from Cochin, India, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, NMD, DO, DN Toxicologist, Professor, Scientist and Researcher, Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO Founder of, New York Times Best-selling Author Via Remote Connection, Mike Adams (“The Health Ranger”) Founder of, Food Scientist, Author & Lecturer”, Sayer Ji Author, Lecturer, National Health Federation Advisory Board Via Remote Connection The Heal Your Life Summit is now open for registrations - it's free! Join here! The summit begins May 4-20 but when you join now you get to listen to a preview of Anthony William’s lesson, “A Liver Meditation to Improve Detoxification,”. I thought you might appreciate that! Here is a sneak preview audio from Anthony William on liver detox. Register here for the free summit to listen to the entire lesson: My lesson on the Heal Your Life Summit launches May 16th. In my new book Cancer-Free with Food, I also talk about liver health. I found this incredibly fascinating and thought you might too, Tigernuts have been studied and proven to be an effective liver protector! One study showed that tigernut milk can be useful for preventing liver damage from the pain reliever acetaminophen! Researchers concluded that the phytochemicals in tigernut milk significantly prevented liver injury. So drink tigernut milk for its liver-protecting properties during chemotherapy, when your liver is in danger of being overwhelmed with toxins. Eating tigernuts is good for the environment as well as your body. Tigernut Milk can be made simply by tossing a quarter cup of tigernuts in four cups of water and giving them a spin in a blender. By contrast, almond trees require a lot of water and are often farmed using pesticides. Plus, store-bought almond milk is often pasteurized, which changes its nutritional value. Tigernut milk is naturally sweet—no cane sugar is generally added to the store-bought variety, like it is to many brands of nut milk. Here is the recipe for you: IRON BOOSTING TIGERNUT MILK Total time: 5 minutes (Makes 4 servings) Ingredients: 1 cup tigernuts 4 cups filtered water 4 seedless dates or 1 teaspoon maple syrup Pinch of sea salt teaspoon vanilla extract Actions:
Calories: 155.5 | Protein: 2.5g | Carbs: 25g | Dietary Fiber: 0.1g | Fat: 8.7g | Vitamin C: 2.3mg | Vitamin D: 0 IU | Vitamin E: 0mg | Calcium: 46.1mg | Iron: 2.3mg | Magnesium: 39.2mg | Potassium: 12.9mg Excerpt from Cancer Free with Food Vitamin D is a necessary vitamin, as it helps us to absorb minerals, like magnesium and calcium, in our intestines. We get Vitamin D from sunshine and from some foods. Vitamin D3 and D2 are compounds from food. D2 is found in fungi (mushrooms). Vitamin D3 is found in fish and grass-fed beef or calf liver. Some foods in the supermarket are fortified with vitamin D. Foods that contain vitamin D:
that breast cancer death rates tended to be higher in areas with low winter sunlight levels and lower in sunny areas. If you live in a place with little sunshine, chances are good that you are vitamin D deficient. I have heard from many people that when they took vitamin D supplements (based on blood work showing they were deficient), a lot of their health issues improved. Maybe this is why we typically feel better in spring and summer? Suggested dosage: Have your doctor check your vitamin D levels through a blood test and prescribe a proper amount of supplemental vitamin D. Get 10 to 15 minutes of sun on bare skin daily. Order Cancer Free with Food at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Sea salt is produced by the evaporation of seawater. Some is a residual of evaporation that happened long ago. For example, Himalayan salt, which is pink and comes from an inland mountain range, is harvested from terrain that was once covered in ocean water millions of years ago. The container may be labeled Celtic sea salt (aka sel gris, or “gray salt”), fleur de sel (“flower of salt”), or Hawaiian (black or red) salt. High-quality sea salts typically contain 60 to 84 trace minerals—zinc, iron, and potassium among them—making them healthful, and much better than bleached-white table salt. I strongly believe no one should ever consume white table salt. And why would we need to when sea salt is available to us?
Many people are still afraid of salt, fat, and carbohydrates because of all the crazy articles they read decades ago. The problem is not with salt, per se; we just need the right salts. People who are deprived of salts can suffer many health issues. You can include sea salts in your cooking, smoothies, or even just mix some in water and it will give you those trace minerals you need. Salt helps the human body function at its best. Although seas salt may contain trace iodine, it is not the best source of iodine. Iodine-rich foods include seaweed, cod fish, shrimp, tuna, eggs, organic dairy, and prunes. Iodine is an essential mineral, needed for proper thyroid functioning. With too little, our metabolism slows down. In children, a deficiency can affect brain and bone development. Dr. Christiane Northrup recommends dried dulse flakes (a sea vegetable) as a source of iodine. One way to heal the body is to detox it by consuming curcuminoids, a family of active compounds that includes curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Curcuminoids are responsible for the healing properties of turmeric.
Remember there are many many many ways to heal, so it’s finding the one that works best for you. This is an excerpt from my new book “Cancer-Free with Food” which is available for pre-order on @barnesandnoble and @amazon now you guys! You consume curcuminoids when you eat turmeric. Turmeric root is perhaps the most studied and talked about food for preventing and fighting cancer. In fact, it is so powerful that MD Anderson Cancer Centerformed a Center for Cancer Prevention by Dietary Botanicals specifically to evaluate the efficacy of using ginger, black pepper, and turmeric—a trio of spices routinely used in Indian food—to heal and prevent colorectal cancer. Okay, so we hear about turmeric all the time, but why is it so good? To break it down, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and brain-protecting superfood. The spice made from turmeric root that gives curry its bright yellow color, it has its superpowers because it contains three potent compounds: curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. No matter how you do it, consuming turmeric is a no-brainer! The curcuminoid compounds in turmeric have been shown to decrease tumor size in cases of colon, prostate, and breast cancer. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center published a study with rats who were exposed to cancer-causing substances. They then treated them with turmeric and found they were protected from colon, stomach, and skin cancers. How amazing is that? Furthermore, in this same study, the replication of tumor cells stopped when turmeric was applied directly to them in the laboratory. Other laboratory experiments have shown that curcuminoids protect the body in a few more ways: They enhance the activity of a crucial detoxifying enzyme and act as antioxidants by neutralizing free radicals (which cause DNA damage).13 Detoxifying the body is one of the beneficial healing strategies discussed in Chapter 5. There is hope for healing colon cancer with turmeric. Functional medicine expert Dr. Mark Hyman recommends turmeric root to reduce gut-based inflammation.14 Michael Greger, M.D.,founding member of the American Academy of Lifestyle Medicine and author of How Not to Die, states that the low incidence of bowel cancer in India is often attributed to natural antioxidants such as curcumin (the yellow pigment in the spice turmeric used in curry powder), which the majority of Indians consume on a daily basis.15 And in one small study in 2006, patients at high risk for colon cancer who received 480 milligrams of curcumin and 20 milligrams of quercetin (found in red onions and grapes) three times a day realized a decrease in the number and size of polyps in their colons.16 My new book available for pre-order now. 12. “Turmeric,” Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (accessed June 26, 2018), turmeric. 16. M. Cruz-Correa, D.A. Shoskes, P. Sanchez, et. Al. “Combination Treatment with Curcumin and Quercetin of Adenomas in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis,” Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 4, no. 8 (August 2006), pp. 1035–8, @ancientnutrition has some great turmeric supplements, turmeric oil, and turmeric bone broth! (founded by @drjoshaxe and Jordan Rubin. I get mine at use code: earthdiet for 10% off |
by liana werner-grayHi. I am a Health researcher bringing you honest information about cancer healing treatments and foods that kill (and cause) cancer! I love diving into the scientific studies that show this research. Archives
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