Healing Guides for Common Cancers- Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine, the last segment of your gastrointestinal tract. It usually starts with the development of benign polyps. Over time, some of these become cancerous. This kind of cancer is also sometimes referred to as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer.
best foods to eat
To prevent or heal cancer, try preparing meals that contain:
- Calcium (almonds (and almond milk); gs, currants, rhubard, dark green leafy vegetables like collard greens, bok choy; kale, broccoli, watercress, and mustard greens; salmon, shrimp, sardines; and white beans) 32
- Iron, ber, magnesium, and folate (whole grains like steel-cut oats, quinoa, and brown rice)
- Omega-3 fatty acids (avocados; chia seeds; axseeds; oily sh such as albacore tuna, salmon, cod, cod liver oil, herring, mackerel, mussels, salmon, sardines, and trout; olive oil; and walnuts)
- Nitric oxide and betaine (beets and beet juice)
quick tips
Colorectal cancer can interfere with digestion and elimination. The Dana-Farber Cancer Center advises that eating small, frequent meals may ease digestion and absorption, and help you manage all kinds of symptoms, including fatigue, acid reux, and diarrhea.